About me
Hello! I'm Tomek Wytrębowicz, dog-dad, snow- & skateboarder, and software engineer at Automattic. Web Components lover, Vanilla JS, and code-minimalism enthusiast.
Before Automattic, I worked at CKEditor - contributing to an awesome rich text editor, and Starcounter - making a revolutionary application platform by early-adopting Web Components.
Me elsewhere
You can find me on the web here:
- GitHub: tomalec
- Twitter: tomalecpl
- LinkedIn: wytrebowicz
- Instagram: tomekwytrebowicz
Currently, I work at WordPress and WooCommerce, making the Web a better place, with an extra plan to introduce modern Web Platform features such as Web Components there.
My other source contributions that have a special place in my heart:
- The projects I made or lead for some time
- JSON-Patch /
: JavaScript implementation of the JSON-Patch standard (RFC 6902). I was maintaining it for a while. - starcounter-include: A custom element that polyfills Declarative Shadow DOM since 2016. I designed and implemented it in almost today's shape before it was even drafted by standard bodies.
- imported-template: A declarative way for HTML includes.
- Palindrom: A thin but powerful library to simplify, and significantly improve the performance and developer experience of client-server JSON communication.
- JSON-Patch OT: Operational Transformations implemented over JSON Patch, to assert eventual consistency in distributed JSON collaboration. Implemented it from scratch to work standalone as well as a core of Palindrom.
- JSON-Patch /
- Other open Web contributions
- webcomponentsjs: Web Components polyfills. Finding and fixing bugs for V1 and V0 era polyfills.
- Polymer (precursor of Lit): Very first library for creating Web Components. Finding and fixing bugs, adding features since 0.1.4 (2014).
- HTML & DOM specifications: not quite "-source" contribution. I feel honored, that my comments, ideas, questions, and early-adopter feedback were recognized there.
I made a few conference talks, some of them are still available online