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Web Component wrapper for Skype URI buttons using Polymer

View the Project on GitHub tomalec/skype-button


Web Component wrapper for Skype URI buttons using Polymer

Maintained by Tomek Wytrębowicz.


more examples.


Using Bower, run:

$ bower install --save skype-button


  1. Import Web Components' polyfill and Skype URI Library:

    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
  2. Import Custom Element:

    <link rel="import" href="src/skype-button.html">
  3. Start using it!



Note that, empty attribute (e.g. <skype-button listTopic> is mapped to "true")

For detailed description, please take a look at Skype URI Tutorial.

Attribute Options Default Description
name call, chat, dropdown call If omitted, "audio call" is implied if any participants are specified, and "switch focus to the Skype client" is implied if no participants are specified.
participants string Coma-separated list of participants. Required if name is specified.
listParticipants boolean false Whether to list the participant Skype Names
video boolean false Whether this is a video call
topic string "" The optional topic string for a conference call, GVC, or multichat.
listTopic boolean false Whether to list the topic
imageSize 10, 12, 14, 16, 24, and 32 16 Which size of the image asset to use
imageColor skype, white skype Which text color variant of the image asset to use


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


For detailed changelog, check Releases.


MIT License